Whitehill Former Pupils’ Club

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Possibly – the only Dugald McIntyre on the CWGC or SNWM databases.

Dugald Livingstone McIntyre – age 30 – Sub-Lieutenant (E) H.M.S. Glorious Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.

While evacuating British aircraft from Norway in June, the aircraft carrier “Glorious” was sunk by the German battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau in the North Sea. (Source:Wikipedia)

Born 1910 in Kilchrenan, Argyllshire. (Source: GRoS – Birth Register)

Son of Daniel and Jessie (Livingstone) McIntyre of Oban, Argyllshire. (Source: CWGC)

Killed in Action/Lost at Sea on 8 June 1940.

Commonwealth War Grave – Plymouth Naval Memorial, Devon.